Monthly Archives: March 2014

Lush Grease Lightning: A Review


C: So recently I have been trying out and reviewing a lot of Lush’s natural skincare and next up is their Grease Lightning spot treatment. This costs £5.95 for 45g of product, which considering you only need one pump each time you use it is a bargain!

Lush describe this product as: “a powerful combination of ingredients that will nip any breakouts in the bud without upsetting the skin around them. We use an infusion of antibacterial and antiseptic rosemary, thyme and tea tree, as well as antioxidant-rich grape juice and witch hazel, which is astringent and anti-inflammatory and is said to soothe redness. This product is ideally applied when you feel a spot is about to erupt – prevention is better than cure.”

So now for my review… unfortunately although Lush claim that this will not upset the skin around my blemishes, this product did not suit my sensitive skin. It caused a lot of redness and also made my skin break out into more spots than I had before – please keep in mind that my skin is super sensitive, I have eczema and allergies so I do react to products that the majority of people would be fine with. However, my boyfriend (L) also used this product and he loved it (he has oily, spotty skin that is not as sensitive as mine).

He used this every morning and night after using Lush’s Ultrabland and the Tea Tree Water Toner and it really helped to clear up his blemishes and help prevent new ones from appearing! His only comments were that you can only pump out the same amount of product each time, so as his blemishes started disappeaing (hooray!) he had too much product and was having to waste it. It also makes your face feel a bit stiff? Which is odd.. but if you apply a moisturiser on top this goes away!

So overall for L this was an amazing bargain, and we would definitely recommend it if you have oily, spot prone skin but aren’t sensitive to Tea Tree! Let us know what you think! #twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: twolittleowls1

Instagram: twolittleowlsblog


Whats in Chloe’s handbag?

C: Following Annie’s post on her handbag essentials (to see it click here) I thought I would share with you what I keep in mine (well last night it was full of hip flasks… but thats not a regular occurrence!).


1. I have super long hair (it’s finally grown – yay!) so I cant go anywhere without my tangle teezer, hair grips and something to put it up with in case I get stuck in horrid English weather and start developing dreadlocks.

2. Ray Bans, these are actually my boyfriends but I love them so I steal them all the time for driving.

3. Concealer, face powder and Benefits Porefessional are essential for that mid day shine/make up slid top up.

4. Eye Liner, this one is from Korres and is amazing. It is so easy to apply and looks like liquid eye liner if you are in a rush and have to do your make up quickly.

5. Soap & Glory body spray, my love for this brand is well known, and I hate the thought of smelling so I always carry this round with me.

6. Hand Food (S&G again!) and a nail file, are my essentials for saving that broken nail on the go and to keep my hands moisturised. I get eczema on my hands so this saves me when I am out and about and my skin is starting to get dry!

So what are your handbag essentials? #twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: twolittleowls1

Instagram: twolittleowlsblog


What’s in Annie’s handbag?

A: I love these posts (mainly because I’m incredibly nosey) so I thought I would let you all have a nose in my handbag too!


Admittedly, I’m am probably the most unorganised person in the world.

Literally nothing in my life is tidy, there’s always pens and random receipts in my handbag and I never keep my make up in make up case, it all just rattles around together! I don’t carry all my make up with me, but I always have my Bare Minerals mineral veil and flawless face brush, these are perfect if you need to get rid of some of the sneaky shine that appears from nowhere! I also have the sample size of my Porefessional with me because it’s perfect for touch ups. I’ve got my Model Co lipstick with me today, this is a staple in my bag, but if I’m wearing a different lipstick I’ll carry that too. I always have a blusher too – one with a mirror!! This Elf one is perfect. My tangle teezer is a must for my unruly mop and this Molton Brown Rose and Rhubarb hand lotion is my new favourite thing (it was in my Birchbox this month and it smells amazing!!!) Other than my trust purse, keys and kindle combo that’s my handbag summed up!

What are your handbag must haves? #twolittleowls

Instagram: @twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: @twolittleowls1


Spring Nails

C & A: Now that the days are getting sunnier and (slightly) warmer, we’ve decided to show you our favourite Spring Nails as part of Julep’s Spring Nail Art competition (they have beautiful colours, go take a look!).

A: I’ve gone for a daisy and polka dot look using a pastel blue as a base. I started with the usual cleaning, filing and buffing and then after a clear base coat, I added the blue. After this, I used a nail dotting pen wo add the white petals of the daisies on my ring finger and thumb. I then added the polka dots to my middle finger using the same technique.


After these has dried, I added extra coats as necessary as the white doesn’t show up fantastically on the blue. I then added the yellow centres of the daises with the dotting pen and did the usual top coat. I hope you like them! I’m really pleased with them because they look really fresh and spring-like but still subtle enough to wear for work, and the blue matches the colour of my car perfectly so I am totally colour coordinated!



What are your favourite spring nail colours? #twolittleowls

Instagram: @twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: @twolittleowls1


Liebster Award Number 3 – crazy!!


C & A: Wow, another Leibster Award! Thank you so much to itsdollybeee for the nomination, what a lovely thing to do!

Firstly, the rules;
1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer eleven questions the blogger gives you.
3. Give eleven random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate eleven blogs you think are worthy of the award (but they must have less than 200 followers).
5. Let the bloggers know you nominated them.
6. Give them eleven questions to answer.

Here it goes…

1. What is your favorite season?

A: Spring.

C: Summer!!

2. Favorite Beauty Must Have?

A: Mascara (check our favourite mascaras post here!)

C: Are you joking? One thing? Okay I suppose I can’t go out without any eyebrows on… so E.L.F Eyebrow Kit or Benefits Browzing’s, depending on how posh I am feeling.

3. Current Favorite Song?

A: Anything from Bastille’s newest album.

C: All of the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack (don’t blame me, its sunny)

4. Spring/ Summer Must Have?

A: super cool sunglasses.

C: Sandals, sweaty feet aren’t cool.(ha)

5. Do you have an Instagram or Twitter?


instagram: @twolittleowlsblog

twitter: @twolittleowls1

(please follow us, we post funny pictures of cats)

6. How long have you been a wordpress blogger?

We’ve been blogging since January this year and we post every single day!

7. Do you have any pets?

A: I have two cats, Bill and Ted and they are fat and lazy and beautiful. I also have chickens and ducks!

C:I have a Yorkshire Terrier called Archie but he lives with my parentals as he can’t stay in my apartment!

8. What are your views on life?

A: Be as happy as you can.

C: same as Annie, she manages to carry on even though she is ginger. If she can, we all can 😉

9. Any long term goals for your wordpress account?

A & C: Be super famous. Retire from our boring jobs and become full time bloggers – obviously.

10. Favorite thing about the Summer Season?

A: sitting in the garden till way past bedtime and watching the stars.

C: Annie seems to be writing poetry… Drinking cider and getting sun burnt is obviously the correct answer.

11. What color describes you?

A: Orange obviously. I am just too ginger to be any other colour.

C: Hahaha!

And now for 11 facts about us…

1. We go to bingo with Annie’s mum – don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

2. Chloe’s mum wont come and play with us at bingo because “it’s for old boring people”. Angie is wrong. The Mavinator is right.

3. Annie’s real name is Annika.

4. Chloe is 90% sure that she will marry James Franco.

5. Chloe’s middle name is Ann.

6. One day, all of Annie’s freckles are going to join up and she will turn into one giant freckle.

7. Chloe is at Uni doing her masters in Psychology. Sometimes she pretends to be clever, but she has zero common sense.

8. Annie can touch her nose with her tongue.

9. Chloe’s favourite thing to do in the whole world is to nap.

10. We text each other about a billion times a day.

11. Annie is a crazy cat lady, and loves it when Chloe house sits for her (breaks into Annie’s house before Annie gets home from work) and sends her snapchats of her own cats.

11 questions for our nominees…

1. Who is your favourite superhero?

2. How old are you?

3. Where would you visit if you could go anywhere in the world?

4. How long have you been blogging for and why did you start?

5. What is your favourite film?

6. Do you have any pets?

7. What is your favourite item of clothing? Why?

8. What is your favourite, must have beauty item?

9. What are you blogging goals?

10. What’s your most annoying habit?

11. Who is you favourite blogger?

And now our nominees…

Niamh at Good Niamhning

Nicole at Nicole’s Confessions

Chloe at Just Your Average Girl

Katherine at The Model’s Market

Samantha at Samantha Blackmore

Sammen and Melisa at Fash.Bazar

Niki at Blossom Cushions

Alice at The Shoestring Shopper

Giorgina at G & C

The Team at Which Beauty Box UK


We can’t wait to read your answers! #twolittleowls

Instagram: @twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: @twolittleowls1








A & C: We would just like to send out a massive thank you to all of you lovely followers! We actually set ourselves a goal of Annie’s birthday to get to 100 followers (obviously a perfect time for celebration drinks), but we have reached it with more than three weeks to go, and its’ all down to you – we can’t tell you happy and excited we are!

100 paint

Happy Wednesday lovelies! #twolittleowls

Twitter: @twolittleowls1

Instagram: @twolittleowlsblog



Clinique Haul!


A: so today was a pretty mementous day, I lost my Clinique virginity. I know, I’ve only ever used Chloe’s left over samples but I have had such bad skin recently that I thought I ought to take the plunge! The saleswoman was so helpful at my local Boots shop and knew exactly what I needed to help my skin. I opted for the anti-blemish solutions 3-step-system which has 3 products; a cleansing foam, a clarifying lotion and an all over clearing treatment. I also went for the anti-blemish clearing gel because I’ve used this in the past and loved it. But even more exciting than that; I got a free gift because I bought two items! This is an exclusive Clinique Bonus Time offer that Boots are running in store until 29th of March and it’s amazing!

clinique 2

I got so many extra goodies that all came in the really cute tin, I can’t wait to use them all and let you know what I think to them!

Have you tried the anti-blemish solutions system? #twolittleowls

Instagram: @twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: @twolittleowls1


modelsown nail varnishes: a review

A & C: So we have been lusting after these modelsown speckled egg nail varnishes, and we got some in our latest haul as they were on offer in Boots (any 2 items from modelsown for £8 – bargain). We both got different colours so thought we would share a photo and our thoughts with you!


C: This is delightfully large picture of my manly hands. Fortunately the beautiful nail varnish makes up for the hands! I got the “Duck” colour which is a beautiful pale blue (naming then after birds is adorable!) with black specks through out, a perfect colour for Spring! I really liked this nail varnish, it was easy to apply (I thought it would be a bit like applying glitter nail varnish but it was a smooth and quick process) and most importantly it lasted a long time. It even survived the dreaded washing up test – the boyfriend doesn’t agree that if you have painted your nails you can’t possibly wash up.

annies nails

A: I chose the “Magpie” green (I need to stop buying green nail varnishs but I just can’t help it!), and I was also surprised by how smoothly it applied. It did last a suprisingly long time and didn’t chip much either. The first time I wore it, I didn’t apply a top coat and it was still really durable, I also performed a nail varnish sin and didn’t apply a base coat (I was way too excited to try it) but it came off so easily and didn’t stain my nail bed. This is the first modelsown nail varnish I’ve bought, but it defintaley won’t be the last! Very happy!

Have you tried the #speckledegg range form modelsown? #twolittleowls

Twitter: @twolittleowls1

Instagram: @twolittleowlsblog


Feature a Friend: Chloe


A: Following Chloe’s #featureafriend post yesterday as part of the Boohoo Competition, it’s now my turn to post about Chloe’s style and fashion favourites (to see Chloe’s post about me, click here).


This cardigan is so lovely – Chloe has an amazing array of knitted treats and I had to include one of them. This one from Urban Outfitters goes with anything (or clashes with everything, I can’t decide – Chloe is a pro at mis-matching pattern’s and making them work). The black tube skirt is a staple in any wardrobe and teamed with the white swing top it makes a perfect every-day outfit. The boots are beautiful and I am SO jealous of them, they are also from Urban Outfitters and are just right for dressing up a casual look. Ted the cat wanted to get involved in the #featureafriend trend so we obviously had to include him.


I chose this tartan dress because it is a favourite of Chloe’s. It’s from Topshop and she bought it on a sneaky shopping trip a few months ago and it goes perfectly with her New Look boots which I love. The lace in the dress makes it quite feminine but the boots have a gothic look about them – so together they balance one another out. This is something which is always present in Chloe’s style – pretty, feminine lace and floral prints teamed with edgy shoes and accessories. Her vintage leather jacket finished the look perfectly.


This is my final choice of Chloe’s wardrobe. It shows off the magpie in her – she is drawn to anything remotely glittery, sparkly or shiny and its normally WAY over the top. This is always a plus for me, and this gold sequin jacket is amazing. She normally wears it with a simple dress, like this New Look slip dress. It’s got so many sequins on it that it rattles when she moves. That means its extra fun to wear! The wedges she bought from Primark (on our Study Day Haul Post) go so well with this look, and the gold rope necklace is the perfect choice of accessory.

We hope you enjoyed an insight into both of our wardrobes in our #featureafriend posts, which look was your favourite? #twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: twolittleowls1

Instagram: twolittleowlsblog
