Tag Archives: lifestyle

The ultimate child proof make up storage?

C: afternoon! A little DIY job (that I can’t take full credit for) today in the form of make up storage! Now Ivy is partial to a lipstick or ten. Eats them, covers her face on them, basically does everything a tiny human can to ruin my beautiful make up collection. So I made a plan to keep it all safe from her teeny evil hands!

So here we have my humble collection, saved from the beast (love her really) by basically being too high to reach. All I did was get two cheap wooden shelves from Homebase, paint them and add a piece of wood (L did it…) to one of the shelves with some door handles screwed in for scarf and bag hangage (not a word apparently).

Finally I used my acrylic storage and some cute jars that I had saved (that normally sit cluttering up my cupboard with no purpose) for a cheap and simple make up solution!

What do you think?!

Guess whose back!

Back again! Chloe and annie are back, tell a friend! That doesn’t quite work does it? Never mind, I’m sure you are all super psyched cos you have been crying every day since our last post.

So let’s have a mini update… I now have a two year old, and annie has an 8 month old baba who is super beaut! After months of reading posts (mainly Rach’s) and missing blogging I decided… it’s time to get back on it.

So this photo currently sums up my life at the mo. Cutie babas, my pooch and living in the county side. So my face is currently a slight disappointment and I need some blogging inspiration to motivate me to love make up and skincare as much as I used to!

We haven’t decided on a blogging schedule yet, basically cos we don’t want to rush things and then realise we have no time to post every day or something cray. So currently I will be posting my usual beauty etc posts and annie will be popping in for some baba updates and to tell me how pretty I am and how much she misses me cos I currently have a constant cold so can’t go smooch them!

So thanks for reading and for staying loyal to our two little owls baby as well as our new (and not so new) real ones! WE MISS YOUUUUU

13 Things no one ever told you about having a baby.

C: so you are super preggo and everyone in the world wants to tell you horror stories about how horrendous childbirth is (it isn’t, I can happily write you a nice post all about it if you fancy) but what about all the other things that no one thinks to tell you? Trust me, theres plenty.

1.Goodbye Dignity.
I used to be quite private, you know lady garden viewings for boyfriend in the dark only and all. After 11 hours of labour I literally couldn’t give a shit. I had a midwife in there, a trainee midwife and a trainee doctor all having a cheeky look. If you are worried you will care? You won’t. All you want is the baby out.

2. That initial baby bond?

This is possibly going to be a controversial one. Don’t bother spamming me with hate comments, I am putting this in incase anyone else felt the same and felt guilty about it. So I gave birth and they put a baby on me. I remember staring at her like DID THAT JUST COME OUT OF MY BODY?! Then she pooed on me and I went to surgery for two hours without her (possibly the reason behind the delayed bonding experience) and I thought, yeah nice baby. Liked her about as much as I would if a family member had a baby, then by about three weeks later I would have pushed L in front of a bus if it meant she was okay… and L used to be my fav (don’t tell him he’s not now, he gets funny about it). I have done some research (well, asked people who also had babies) and this seems to be quite common. So if this is you don’t feel guilty about it, give it time and talk to your midwife about it

3. Breastfeeding sucks.

Literally. For something that is meant to be natural it is quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever tried to do. After 3 days I had to give up and bottle feed as my milk didn’t come in and baba was jaundiced and dehydrated. It took 3 weeks for the scabs to disappear.

4. The first night at home will be the worst night of your life.

You are super excited to leave hospital (the food really is bad, I recommend taking ketchup to disguise all food) and you think life will be perfect at home with your new family… THEN YOUR BABY TURNS INTO THE DEVIL. She is no longer tired from the labour, all noises are different from the hospital and she screams the whole night and makes you think you will be a terrible parent and you should probably return her to someone who knows what they are doing. I told my midwife and she laughed and said “first nights at home should come with a health warning” so here you have your warning. Expect the worst and then the next morning you will have your perfect beautiful baba back.

5. Everyone in the world comes to visit and you hate them.

Literally everyone and their wife wants to come visit, squeeze your baby, drink your tea and eat your biscuits that you stole from the hospital. You go from loving everyone telling you how pretty your baby is to wanting to stab them in the face until they leave. Perfectly normal but try and refrain from the stabbing, babies aren’t allowed in prisons.

6. You will cry all the live long day.

You will cry cos your baby’s daddy is being nice to you, at the sad dog advert on the telly, or cos someone offered you a crisp (they were even my own crisps but ya know, such a nice gesture). You will even start crying about how much you have been crying. Don’t worry it all stops after a couple of weeks and you can go back to your normal sassy self.

7. You learn who your real friends are.

The shit ones are the ones that are super excited at the start, want you to text them when you are in labour, come visit all the time the first few weeks (when you don’t actually want visitors) and then send you weird messages about how they miss you and you never get to see them anymore. Not that you are busy with a baby or anything. Ditch the bitches and stick with the ones that bring you food and lol at your weird baby photos and come make your hair look nice for you.

8. Google becomes your best friend and your worst enemy.

You find yourself googling things like “will my baby die from not burping” and endlessly searching for photos of “normal” baby poo. As useful as the internet can be when you actually need to know something, calm down the googling. No babies ever died of not burping.

9. Baby poo will take over your life.

You will become obsessed. Why hasn’t my baby pooed? Is she pooing too much? Is that shit I can smell? I must stop wearing this jumper, its the same colour as baby poo. I will never eat a korma again, all things like that. You will also spend a large amount of your life sniffing your babies bum, don’t worry though, babies only poo when you are ready to go out so you might as well just check then.

10. Labour pains? What about aftershock pains?

Maybe its inappropriate to compare labour to an earthquake, maybe it isn’t. What I do know is that no one warned me about the pains you have afterwards. Literally feels like being beaten up with a cricket bat. Not that I’ve ever played cricket or been hit with a bat but you know, thats how I imagine it feels like. Take lots of baths whilst your partner is off work, have paracetamol and make people do the washing up and stuff for you so you can rest with baba. Don’t try and take the dog for a walk cos thats just stupid and makes it worse.

11. Having a baby is pretty lonely.

Everyone wants to come and visit you the first few weeks, then slowly it stops and your partner goes back to work. Suddenly you are left at home on your own with your beautiful baby and when you finally would like visitors they aren’t interested. Go out. Go visit friends who have children, go annoy your parents/parents in law. Don’t sit at home drinking too much coffee and thinking about how you still look preggo and maybe theres actually another baby in there (there isn’t, it will go by about 10/12 weeks).

12. Health Visitors come and see you and ask weird questions.

“do you think you are depressed?” “Would you say you cry more than 7 times a day?” “Does your partner beat you up” “any history of drug or alcohol abuse?”… don’t answer that one with “I think she’s a bit young for that, she’s only 4 weeks old” Cos they don’t find it funny. In my experience health visitors ask their weird questions and then answer yours with strange things about how every baby is different and give no real advice. Answer them without the jokes (I am probably on some weird bad mother alert list now) and then ask your mother or doctor if your health visitors are useless.

13. Enjoy your tiny baba whilst they are teeny.

I had a baby three months ago and I’m already jealous of other peoples tiny babies. Seriously, suddenly she is massive and I cried and told L she might as well just be 18 and move out now. Maybe dramatic, maybe not. But in all seriousness enjoy those tiny baby cuddles and don’t wish them away cos by the time they are 3 months old they hate being cuddled and just ignore you whilst you try and play with them because they want to watch tv and eat their own feet.

so there we have it, 13 things no one ever tells you about having a baby! Has anyone else had similar experiences? Or do you have something you want to add to the list?! Let me know! #twolittleowls

What I got for Christmas! P

C: Hi guys and happy new year! I thought as my first post that Iv written in 2016 I would share with you some of the amazing gifts I was lucky enough to get for Christmas. This is in no way a brag post, as I know I was super lucky, but I love reading these on other blogs so thought I would share mine too!

First up my parents in law got me this AMAZING Olivia Burton watch. I love it! I don’t often wear a lot of jewellery cos I’m lazy and forget to put it on but I love this and have worn it every day! I have wanted one of these bad boys for ages and I’m so excited I finally have one!

I also got the UD smoky palette from my parents! This is like my new pride and joy. I haven’t even used it yet cos it’s too perfect and I want it to last forever and I’m weird about opening new things and save them for a special occasion!

Annie also got my a Stila lip glaze in black berry…which I also haven’t opened cos I’m weird. The mother in law also got me my favourite Benefit they’re real mascara in a fun limited sparkly edition and my aunties got me this seventeen mini lipgloss set!

The Clinique moisturiser is a standard present from my parentals, I get it every year as I love it so much but maternity pay and £30 moisturisers don’t really mix! Annie also got me the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream cos I have wanted to try it for forever and Santa got me these Real Techniques Starter Eye Set. I have actually used these (you should all be proud) and the eyebrow brush is my new favourite thing!

I haven’t included all my presents as I got some lovely personalised gifts from my beautiful daughter that I don’t want to share with all, as well as lots of vouchers, pjs, socks and the usual lovely Christmas presents!

Thank you to everyone who treated me and ivy! What did you guys get for Christmas? Link me to any of your lovely posts! And also let me know if anyone else is weird and hates opening new things  (Annie opens everything straight away!) #twolittleowls

Baby Diaries: The Ultimate Baby Shower Gift!

C: Now I am still not entirely convinced about baby showers… it is definitely a very American thing to me (although when it comes to Halloween and Christmas they have got the art of celebrating down!) and I didn’t really want one! However, the sister in law can only minority be tamed, so I had a baby shower/afternoon tea on my birthday and it was actually lovely! I didn’t want people to feel like they had to bring a gift, so I made sure that was specified on the invites, but one of the gifts I received I thought deserved a special mention on the blog – the Neals Yard Mother and Baby Organic Collection which is £45 and available here.


First of all the packaging is absolutely beautiful, and I loved that it is a gift for mums to be as well as babies – its nice to get some pampering in before baby arrives as apparently I won’t have much time for that once my bundle of joy (poo and nappies) is here!


Obviously I haven’t tried any of the baby products yet, but I shall make sure to update this post once baba has given her verdict on them (She’s still too young to be trying them)! However, the Mothers Bath Oil is by far my favourite product! It smells so lovely and relaxing, and really helps to calm down both me and my troublesome skin! Im not particularly keen on the Massage Oil just because I personally don’t like using oils/I keep dropping it and making a mess and L moans about the slippery bathroom! But the flannel is lovely quality and I enjoyed using the Mothers Balm on those pesky stretch mark areas – it stopped my skin getting itchy and kept it supple and moisturised!

This is literally the perfect gift for any mum to be! It is beautiful and functional, and the bonus is that it is all organic too where possible! I know a lot of pregnant ladies are super concerned about only using organic products on their body as obviously what your body absorbs is potentially finding its way to the little one, so this is perfect! Personally I have still been using what works for me as my skin is too sensitive to be swapping products around, but this is still perfect when you are unsure on what to buy someone for their baby shower – everyone buys baby clothes etc so its lovely to get something different!

What do you guys think of this from Neals Yard? I haven’t tried many of their products before, but I shall definitely be popping in to my local store to see what goodies they have! #twolittleowls

A Big Announcement…

A: Firstly, apologies for being a little quiet and not quite so organised with blog posts recently, but things have been a little manic at two little owls hq.

Chloe has been rather busy to say the least; she is now the very proud mother to her beautiful baby daughter! Baby arrived last week and I can honestly say she is one of the cutest little ones I’ve ever seen. They are both doing super well and it’s lovely to see their little family start to grow. I’m sure you will be seeing some updates as the weeks go by, but for now here is a sneaky photo of baby’s (not so little but VERY cute) tootsies.


Love from Annie (and Chloe) x

A Pregnancy Update: What to Expect in Your Third Trimester

C: hey lovelies… welcome to my final trimester update (you can see my posts about the 1st and 2nd Trimesters here and here if you are interested)! I literally cannot believe I am basically full term now… its crazy/apparently I am going to have a baby soon. Who knew being pregnant meant you had a baby at the end? I sure as hell forgot, cooking babies takes WAY too long. So anyway, lets get on with my third trimester experiences.

1. you thought your belly had got big in the second trimester? Seriously, somehow it just keeps on growing and growing and growing and growing… and you get the idea. Its massive and by the time you get to about 35 weeks you have forgotten what having a flat stomach ever felt like.

2. Talking of an ever expanding stomach? The stretch marks you have bragged about avoiding? They are coming for you. With a vengeance! The creams all lied and so did the idiots who said if your mum didn’t get any then you wouldn’t – I wrote a whole post about it here if you fancy.

3. You will forget how to sleep. Everyone tells you to rest whilst you can, but in between trying to get comfy, the need to wee every half an hour and the leg cramps? Its near on impossible. Naps are the answer and your new best friend.

4. Baby kicks felt lovely before (they didn’t for me, they still freak me out a bit even though I love them at the same time)? Well they won’t anymore! Baby runs out of room and you will feel like your insides are a punch bag/your skin might break if they move one more time.

5. Then they don’t move for a whole ten minutes and you assume the worst, drink all the cold drinks etc just so they move and hurt again. Excellent.

6. MATERNITY LEAVE! WAHOOOOO! The first couple of weeks are excellent. You clean, you make babies room look nice, you cook fun stuff…

7. and then you get bored. And stroppy that you don’t have a baby yet and its taking too long.

8. Suddenly everyone in the world has given birth to beautiful babies and posted their photos all over Facebook to tease/taunt you that you haven’t had one yet.

9. Everywhere you go people either give you pitying looks or stare at you like you are a bomb about to go off. Especially if you have Braxton Hicks in the supermarket… that really scares them.

10. Talking of Braxton Hicks… they aren’t very nice either. Even before labour you get some nice practice contractions to hint at the pain/delights that are to come. I would personally prefer to be blissfully unaware, but apparently this is your bodies way of practicing. Fabulous.

11. The thought of giving birth gets a little bit more scary/real and yet you are so desperate to see your baby and not be pregnant that you are also looking forward to it at the same time.

12. You know the old wives tales (yes we are talking long walks, all the sexy time, pineapple, curry… you get the idea) are probably a load of rubbish, but you decide that giving them all a go anyway(apart from the sex ones obvs, thats what got you into this mess in the first place), even though you know they aren’t going to work. No point risking it eh?

13. You watch One Born Every Minute religiously as “revision” whilst pointing out to the boyfriend (who you have also made watch it) what male behaviour you are witnessing is acceptable and which definitely is not.

14. You have a baby shower and then suddenly you realise that you completely over bought on clothes and your unborn child has more clothes to wear in their first 0-3 months than you have in your entire wardrobe.

15. And then apparently… you have a baby? Who knew? (Although I’m deffo still waiting impatiently for mine/probably will be pregnant forever) 

So has anyone else had similar third trimester experiences? I shall post up a birth post if anyone is interested? I don’t want to scare you all, and won’t share unnecessary gory details, but am happy to write a post on it if anyone is interested? Let me know! #twolittleowls

Jessys Mum’s Chilli Jam Recipe!

C: if you saw our Summer plans post, you would know that making jams/chutneys is one of my aims for this Summer whilst on maternity leave. I don’t know why, but I find it very therapeutic and this is my all time favourite recipe! Jessy’s mum used to make this, and every time I went round we ate like a whole jar! With cheese, crackers, in sandwhiches… you name it, we couldn’t get enough! Eventually she gave me the recipe so I could have a go at making my own/so I didn’t keep eating all of hers probably! This isn’t a proper jam… as in you wouldn’t have it on toast (although I have tried it, and tbh I would totally eat it again!), but its amazing in sandwiches as a sweet chutney or with cheese and biscuits! It has a kick to it, but isn’t super duper spicy so don’t panic at the number of chilis in there!



8 red peppers (deseeded and cut into chunks), 10 red chillies (roughly chopped), finger sized piece of fresh ginger, 8 peeled garlic cloves, 400g can of chopped tomatoes, 1lb 10z of golden caster sugar, 250ml red wine vinegar.


1. Tip peppers, chilis (including seeds), ginger and garlic into a food processor and blitz until finely chopped – scrape into a heavy bottomed pan.

2. Add chopped tomatoes, sugar and vinegar and then bring to the boil. Skim off any scum and then simmer for 50 minutes or until jam starts to go sticky – stirring throughout occasionally.

3. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes whilst stirring frequently and then allow to cool slightly.

4. Transfer to sterilised jars and then jam mixture will last 3 months.

Hope you guys have a go at this, as it is truly amazing! Let us know if you do (Annie loves it too, I obvs have to take her a jar whenever I make this badboy!) #twolittleowls

Chloe’s Mums Healthy Fruit & Nut Muffins!

C: I stole this recipe from my mother as last time I went round she had baked these and they smelt SO SO good! I had to eat one immediately (which I blame on being pregnant, not on just being greedy of course) and they are super yummy. My mum gave me the recipe to try at home, and trust me… although I love to bake and have some skills? These are the easiest thing to make ever! And the plus side? They are freezable! Meaning you can make a batch (the recipe makes 12), freeze them and then take one out each day for your breakfast – so good for those of us who are in a rush but want a healthy option for their breakfast!




Dry Ingredients: 225g plain flour, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 1/2 tsp salt, 200g raisins, 200g chopped walnuts

Wet Ingredients: 250ml milk, 1 egg, 175g light brown sugar, 80ml olive oil


Combine all the dry ingredients together in one bowl and then separately combine the wet ingredients together in another.

Add the milk mixture to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Divide between 12 muffin cases and bake at 180C for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Seriously… its that easy! I know these aren’t 100% healthy, but they are certainly a better option when compared to a cheeky Starbucks muffin every morning! If you aren’t keen on nuts you could also swap them for some cranberries or other dried fruit! Hope you enjoy the recipe, and let me know if you try them! #twolittleowls

Review: Revlon Nail Enamel in Minted

C: I recently picked this bad boy up in my bargain haul post which you can see here, and loved the colour so much I used it to paint my nails as soon as I got home! I hadn’t used a Revlon nail polish before, so I didn’t really know what to expect (although their make up has always been on point so thought I might be on to a winner). This nail polish is available from Boots for £6.49 (and is currently part of a 3 for 2 offer) here.


Now I don’t tell fibs on here, I always give 100% honest reviews so lets just say things didn’t start off well for this nail polish. I got a bit grumpy whilst painting my nails as it dried too quickly, as by the time I had done one brush stroke it was drying already meaning my first two coats were pretty patchy. Finally after the third coat (which is why I was grumpy – Im pretty lazy really) I had a pretty perfect looking mani and I bloody loved the colour. However, I did text Annie saying that although “Minted” was the perfect Summer colour, I am too lazy to probably use it again. As I said… not a good start.

So anyway, three days went by…. and my manicure was still perfect. Like seriously, not even one chip. Not even a tiny one. I started to get a little inkling that my first impressions were wrong about this nail polish and I should stop being so lazy/grumpy. Then 5 days went by and I only had a couple of minor chips that really weren’t noticeable and that was the deal breaker. I LOVE THIS NAIL POLISH.

Turns out, if you put the effort in this nail polish will reward you in pretty much a week of lovely nails. Which is totally worth the extra two minutes it took me to paint my nails, as usually I get annoyed at the chips and have to repaint my nails every couple of days. So say hello to my new favourite nail colour. Well done Revlon, well done. #twolittleowls