Tag Archives: yardley

Februarys Empties 2015

C: After a mixture of beauty related Christmas presents and January sales shopping, I decided it was finally time to sort through my stash. This has resulted in me throwing away several items because they have been opened too long, and in using up the many samples I have floating about from subscription boxes etc. All in all, this has resulted in a lot of empties this month! So here we go!


1. Lush Ultrabland Cleanser – one of my current skincare essentials! I won’t talk too much about this as we reviewed it here, but I absolutely loved it. If you have sensitive or problem skin then you need to check it out!

Repurchase? Yes once I have used up some of my stash!

2. Merumaya Iconic Youth Serum & Melting Cleansing Balm – two samples from one of my You Beauty boxes I believe. I only got one use out of each sample, so I cannot really comment on its skincare effects. However, both smelt amazing and I did not react badly to them (I have sensitive skin).

Repurchase? I shall definitely be doing a little research into the brand.

3. Yardley Uplifting Daisy Body Lotion – another You Beauty sample. I wasn’t that eager to try this out, and to me Yardley is an old person brand that my nan uses! However, I am happy to admit when I am wrong! This smelt amazing and did a super job of moisturising my stupidly dry skin.

Repurchase? Yes if I didn’t have about 20 body butters/lotions to use up first!

4. Mac Prep + Prime – another product we have previously reviewed here

Repurchase? Hella yeah.

5. Rimmel Nail Polish 500 Disco Ball – I bloody love this nail polish but it has gone gloopy. I have had it for well over two years though so I cannot complain! It is super glittery, easy to apply (but not remove unfortunately) and lasts a long time. Perfect.

Repurchase? If they still do it, I would happily repurchase.

6. Avon Glimmerstick Eye Liner in Blackened Night – I bought this ages ago and then kind of forgot about it, but now I love these! They aren’t too glittery so you can get away with wearing them every day, they are super black and easy to apply. For the price you can’t complain!

Repurchase? I already have another!

7. Aromatherapy Associates Revive Body Gel – now I received this in my first Birchbox, and even though I love the smell I still don’t understand what the point of it is. Like seriously, it says apply to problem areas such as thighs, feet etc but doesn’t actually say what for. So now its going in the bin. So if anyone knows what its for please do tell me!

Repurchase? Nah!

Well, that was a long empties post today! What do you think to the products I have mentioned? Have you tried any of them? Let us know! #twolittleowls