The Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty Tag!

C: So we are a bit late on this one… but it looked like fun so had to give it a go!

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?

The cheapest item I own would have to be the MUA Lipstick in Shade 1 (a deep red) which was only £1. Most expensive would probably be my Dior Palette which I reviewed here which costs about £35 I think… it was so expensive I am scared to use it!

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Primers. I love how they make my make up look but I hate how much they clog my pores! We will be doing a primer review soon so keep an eye out for that!

3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?

I am a major sucker for anything that smells sweet or of vanilla. I absolutely love my Laura Mercier Ambre Vanille body butter or anything from Soap & Glory!

4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect due to laziness?

I am terrible at being lazy with my beauty regime! I go through phases of being super motivated and then I kind of give up?! Until I buy a new treat that starts the whole cycle off again… but probably hair masks. I have a lot of hair so they really help keep it in condition, but usually this is due to a lack of time rather than laziness!

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most confidence?

Probably my liquid eye liner/mascara. I have really small eyes so I look ridiculous without these! Other than those essentials I would say a nice bold lip colour.

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?

Confusing/seemingly unrelated question?! I would have to say a sense of humour. Which is so cliche, but I really do think its important. Life is stressful, you at least want someone to laugh about it with.

7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?

Ooh! I have just started my birthday wishlist! I would love: UD Naked1 Palette, Mac eyeshadow – Woodwinked, any/all Mac lipsticks, Real Techniques Make up brushes! (If anyone fancies buying presents/sending this to the boyfriend then feel free, he ignores hints!)

Hope you guys enjoyed that! Please do take part if you have time, as I would love to read all of your responses/answers! #twolittleowlsblog

Twitter: twolittleowls1

Instagram: twolittleowlsblog


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