Review: Oriflame Nail Polish

C: We were lucky enough to get sent three different nail polishes in such beautiful colours from Oriflame to review for you lovely readers. So… I thought I would also do a few nail looks with them to share with you at the same time (Annie posted about one she had created here)! Both are super simple and easy to recreate – trust me, I am no expert!

photo 1


Look at these amazing colours! I have “swatched” (do you say that for nail polishes?!) them above for you, so you can see the beautiful colours after one and two coats. Before I get on to the looks I created with these bad boys, I just wanted to mention how lovely they are to use. The brushes are a perfect fit for your nail, so you have full coverage in two swipes. After two coats the colour is completely opaque and even without a top coat it lasts a good 3 days without major chipping. What more could you want for just £7 (they are currently available here). There colours we received are: Ruby Rouge, Tiramisu and Breeze Blue.

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To create this look, I started by painting my nails (after filing, base coat, the usual business) with the gorgeous Tiramisu shade and allowing it to dry. I then applied a straight nail sticker for doing a french mani, which you can buy from ebay for like 50p and painted the Ruby Rouge colour on the rest of the nail. Once it has dried, peel off the sticker carefully (else all your base colour comes of with it) and you are left with this simple but effective nail design!

photo 2-14

I won’t patronise you all by telling you how to do this… I am sure you are well aware! All you need is to buy a dotting tool and paint your accent nail a different colour and use the other shade to apply the dots. The Tiramisu & Breeze Blue shades go so well together, I loved having this combo on my nails.

What do you guys think of these nail polishes and looks? #twolittleowls

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